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Barbara Paulson, Founder
Free Mentorship
in the Park Program
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Brood and Grow Mentorship Programme

The “Brood and Grow Mentorship Programme” is a life skills and mentorship programme offered by Make a Mark Africa Youth Development (MAMA) to young people between the ages of 13 – 35 years in South Africa and beyond. The programme is aimed at providing life skills through mentorship and coaching. 

It is in these monthly coaching sessions, that MAMA hopes to create a platform in which young people can be empowered through information sharing. The programme is inclusive and open to young people from every part of Africa. The monthly coaching sessions are done online to encourage inclusiveness. Young people are not only offered life skills, but they are mentored by experienced mentors, who guide them through every step of their life.
  • To provide Life, Business and Career Coaching and Mentorship to young people; through group meetings which will take place once a month to discuss different topics/issues about life, entrepreneurship and careers. Participants are advised to sign up to the Brood and Grow Mentorship Programme to receive private mentorship should the need arise.  
  • ​To Educate, Motivate, Support, Help, Inspire and Encourage many young people, though bringing different inspirational young people who will educate and share their journey with them.  
  • ​To create a network or a platform where young people can come and share ideas, success stories and create relationships that will benefit them now and in the future. This is done through giving them an opportunity to get to know each other during each session. There is also a WhatsApp group created where they can share ideas and keep connected. 
  • ​To encourage unity, ubuntu, love and caring among young people by bringing them together.  
  • To promote education and success among young people through career coaching sessions. 

How Can You Partner with Us?

We trust that you have made a decision to partner with us and we are excited too. This is probably going to be strange for us to tell you who and how to partner with us when we have already considered you a partner. We want you to know that this is for formalities and to ensure that you know who we would like to work with and how you can work with us.

Who Can You Partner with Us?

We are looking for individuals and Non Profit Organizations who are passionate and who love youth development like we do. 

You or your organization has to have the following:
1. Big interest in youth development and have time for the youth.
2. Love for young people and change.
3. Energetic and very professional.
4. Very committed and motivated.
5. Willingness to learn and teach other people.
6. A very strong and professional team.
7. Must have a source of income
8. Facilitation skills (advantageous)

How To Partner with Us:

We are looking for partners all over the country and in other African countries. This is what we are looking for from our partners and you qualify if you have or you can do the following:

- Should be a Youth Development organization.
- Should have the same objectives as the Free Mentorship at the Park Programme.
- Should be a stable organization.
- Should have the capacity to handle the programme.
- Should have a professional team to successfully host the programme.
- Should be able to mentor the youth beyond the Free Mentorship at the Park Programme.

- Should have a strong interest in youth development.
- Should be very professional.
- Should be organized and have time for young people.
- Should be committed.
- Must have a source of income.
- Must be willing to work voluntary.
Our partners must be willing to sign a contract or a memorandum of understanding with Make a Mark Africa Youth Development. They should know that we are a self-funded organization and they must meet the organization half-way.

Roles and Responsibilities of our Partners

Our partners are expected to adhere to but not limited to the following:

1. Recruit and maintain their mentees.
2. Facilitate the programme.
3. Provide mentorship to mentees in and outside the park.
4. Fundraise and find sponsors for the programme.
5. Write weekly and monthly reports to Make a Mark Africa Youth Development.
6. Maintain a good image of Make a Mark Africa Youth Development and the programme.
7. Create partnerships with different stakeholders on behalf of Make a Mark Africa Youth Development and the programme.
8. Ensure success of the programme by working hand in hand with Make a Mark Africa Youth Development team. 
9. Hold media conference, television and radio interviews on behalf of Make a Mark Africa Youth Development and the programme.

How to Facilitate the Programme?

The following are amongst the logistics that you need in order to host a successful programme:
1. A safe, clean park with a toilet and water (Mandatory)
2. RSVP WhatsApp number (Mandatory)
3. A team to work with
4. Poster from Make a Mark Africa Youth Development
5. Lunch (bring and share)
6. Stationary (Mentees bring their own)
7. Something to sit on (Mentees bring their own)
8. Register (Mandatory and Template will be provided by Make a Mark Africa Youth Development)
9. Camera (Mandatory)
10. Organize guest contributors (Optional)
11. Create a Facebook event (Mandatory) 
12. Water (Mandatory)
13. PPEs (Mandatory)
14. Toilet paper (Mandatory)

During the Programme 
After you have organized all the above items, we are sure you will have a successful turn out with an amazing programme ahead of you. 
Below is a list of what you need to ensure and do in order for the programme to be a success:
1. You need to be 1 hour early at the venue with your team and you have reminded your mentees the day before yesterday about the programme.
2. Ensure that your phone is switched on and it has someone to attend to calls. 
3. As the facilitator ask everyone to form a circle and open with prayer while everyone is seated or standing. 
4. Introduce yourself and the programme, the theme and the guest contributors.
5. Ask the attendees to introduce themselves (You can use an interesting way for them to introduce themselves)
6. Depending on the number of your attendees, divide them into 3 – 5 groups and break down the topic/theme into sub-topics or sub-themes and give each group a sub-topic or sub-theme. 
7. Give them time to discuss the sub-topic or sub-theme you have given them. Ask them to choose a group leader, someone who is going to present on their behalf. 
8. Ask them to come back to the main group, still in a circle, and let each group share their thoughts (Very important).
9. Give the guest speakers a chance to share what they have to share.
10. Speakers shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes and always give attendees a chance to ask questions.
11. Remember to give them a break to eat and while they are in a break ask them to engage with one another and take selfies with each other. 
12. Remember to pass around the register.
13. Close with prayer and remember to take a group picture. 

After the Programme
After hosting the programme successfully, you will be fulfilled and excited to go back to the back very soon. 
This is how your mentees should feel as well and you need to do the following to keep them wanting to come back to the programme:  
1. Create a WhatsApp if you haven’t created one by now. 
2. Keep the group engage by discussing one topic per week. You need to choose a day and time for your discussion but you can always post important and inspiring information on the group. 
3. Share the pictures and ask your mentees to share them on their social media with #FreeMentorshipAtThepark. 
4. Keep checking on your mentees and report weekly to your supervisor. 
5. Prepare for the next Free Mentorship at the Park Programme.
6. Remember to send certificates of attendance to all the people that attended 
7. Submit a report about what transpired at the park. 
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Make a Mark Africa Youth Development
NPO No. 247-235