#MatricUngazibulali Campaign

Announcing the call for Ambassadors for the #MatricUngazibulali Campaign

Enter your details if you are interested in applying as an Ambassador:

Thank you to everyone who submitted their applications for the Ambassador programme. 
The application window has now closed and the successful applicants will be contacted shortly.

About the #MatricUngazibulali (Anti-Suicide) Campaign

The Genesis of the #MatricUngazibulali Campaign
The campaign was initiated in 2019 and is now in its fifth year of existence.

How it Began
According to media reports, there has been a notable rise in instances of young individuals taking their own lives as a result of their inability to cope with failing their Grade 12 exams. As an organization, we have had the privilege of working with numerous youths through various programs including the "Brood and Grow" Mentorship Programme, Learner Development and Training Programmes. With the inspiration from the educational journey of the founder of the campaign (Dr Sanele Gamede), who repeated Grades 10, 11, and 12, we have recognized the urgent need for intervention in addressing the concerning prevalence of suicidal thoughts and depression among young people.

Reasons for Starting the Campaign
There is a pressing need for intervention and widespread public awareness, particularly for learners anticipating their Grade 12 results, that failure is not the ultimate setback. It is crucial to address the mindset of young individuals who may resort to suicidal tendencies when unable to cope with academic disappointment. Equally important is for parents to be guided and enlighten on this matter, preferably by someone who can share a relatable personal journey and demonstrate that failing Grade 12 does not spell the end.

Objectives of the Campaign
The primary objective of this campaign is to inspire, inform, and empower learners, particularly Grade 12 students who did not pass
their Matric exams, as well as their parents. It aims to raise awareness about the various means by which learners can improve their Matric results, and offers valuable career guidance and insight to those who have already passed but are uncertain about their career paths. Furthermore, the campaign strives to garner public support for learners wishing to pursue higher education, particularly in terms of financial assistance.

Target Audience
The campaign aims to reach Grade 12 learners, parents of Grade 12 learners, the general public of South Africa, and various stakeholders within the Department of Basic and Higher Education.

The Overarching Message
Receiving a failing grade in Grade 12 may seem daunting, but it is certainly not the end of the world. With hard work and determination, it is achievable. #MatricUngazibulali.

Coverage of the Campaign
The campaign is being promoted on a national scale and has received national media coverage.

Media Platforms and Channels Used
Local and national radio stations, newspapers, and television stations as well as various social media platforms will continue to be utilized for our media distribution.

Value Proposition of the Campaign
The campaign values the preservation of lives and the importance of providing access to quality education, as well as promoting love, support, and kindness.

Duration of the Campaign
January - December

What has Been Done in the Past and How was it Implemented

Number 1
The campaign has achieved significant success in the past four years by collaborating with more than 30 radio stations nationwide, as well as 3 national and 2 regional publications and 2 national television stations. This has been accomplished through outreach efforts to these media outlets for their support in spreading the campaign's message. Additional support has been received from Upgrading Schools, including Inkways Upgrading School, which funded a student who did not pass their matric exams and was featured on SABC Channel 404.
Number 2
In order to provide a support system for learners, the campaign has created a Facebook Group where individuals can seek assistance, express their needs, and receive encouragement and information from others who have faced similar challenges, as well as the general public.
Number 3
The "Brood and Grow" Mentorship Programme holds its first session on the first weekend of February to address issues such as suicide, anxiety, and depression. This session takes place in all branches of the programme across 7 provinces and has reached over 500 young people.
Number 4
Through partnerships with social media platforms and the
eThekwini Municipality Communications Department in 2022, the campaign has provided career guidance through video content posted on social media pages.
Number 5
A key strategy for increasing visibility and promoting the campaign's message of hope is through the sale of t-shirts with the campaign's logo to the public. This has proven to be an effective marketing tactic for the campaign.

Achievements and Measure of Success and Failure
1. Testimonials from learners and parents have expressed their inspiration and motivation derived from the campaign. Although such feedback has been received, it remains a challenge to accurately measure its impact as it has been mainly communicated through social media messages and radio interviews.

2. The campaign has garnered support from esteemed institutions, such as Inkways Upgrading School, which generously funded a student who did not pass their Matric exams. The student's success story was subsequently featured on SABC Channel404.

3. Additionally, the campaign has been recognized by receiving invitations to attend the KZN Provincial Matric Results release in 2019 and the National Matric Results release in 2020, signifying the validity and effectiveness of the campaign.

4. The campaign has also received extensive media coverage, including features on over 30 radio stations, 3 national and 2 local publications, and 2 national television stations. This has greatly increased its reach and impact.

5. Despite these successes, the main challenges faced by the campaign have been reaching a larger audience and lacking a toll-free helpline to provide immediate support to young people in need.

6. Furthermore, there is a lack of precise data on the number of young people who have been saved from suicidal thoughts as a result of the campaign. These statistics would greatly aid in assessing the campaign's effectiveness and impact.

Tangible and Practical Things that are Embedded in the Campaign

- Press Conference to Announce the Campaign to Media for Coverage: A press conference will be held to announce the launch of our campaign to the media. The purpose of this press conference is to garner media coverage and spread awareness about our campaign. 

- Motivational and Educational Talks on Different Media Platforms: As part of our campaign, we will be hosting motivational and educational talks on various media platforms including radio stations, TV, newspapers, and social media. This will help us reach a larger audience and spread the message of our campaign effectively. 

- School Visits and Back-to-School Campaign with Ukhozi FM: We will be visiting schools that did not perform well and launching a back-to-school campaign in partnership with Ukhozi FM. Through these initiatives, we aim to inspire and motivate students to excel in their studies and achieve their goals. 

- Weekly Social Media Video Series: A series of weekly videos will be released on social media, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, to address stress, anxiety, and depression and provide coping mechanisms. This will be a valuable resource for those struggling with these issues. 

- Media Involvement and Motivational Talks
As part of our campaign, we will be hosting motivational and educational talks on various media platforms including radio stations, TV, newspapers, and social media. This will help us reach a larger audience and spread the message of our campaign effectively.

- Campaign T-shirt and Photo Shoots: Our partners will join us in promoting the campaign by wearing campaign T-shirts and participating in photo shoots on the day of the matric release. These photos will be shared on social media to create buzz and generate interest in our campaign. 

- Daily Videos from Public Figures: To further raise awareness, we will be posting daily videos from influential public figures on social media. These videos will serve as a reminder of the importance of our campaign and its message.

Additional Service offered by the Campaign.
- Assistance for improving academic performance after failing Grade 12 

- Toll-free support services for anxiety, depression, and stress from Ma'at Institute 

- Access to online courses and literature on career selection 

- Financial aid available from sponsors for retaking failed subjects 

- School visits to underperforming schools - Video series addressing career options and coping mechanisms for failing Grade 12 exams 

- Engagement of ambassadors to support students in their communities 

- Participation in open days at tertiary institutions to provide advice to first-year students

The Campaign in the Future
1. The campaign will continue to use media platforms 

2. Multiple organizations, companies, and ambassadors will assist students 

3. Bursaries will be provided to students to improve grades and pursue higher education 

4. Increased visibility before, during, and after exams - Partnerships with tertiary institutions to offer support to first-year students

5. Partnerships with tertiary institutions to offer support to firstyear students

Desired Impact of the Campaign
1. To witness young individuals successfully managing their Grade 12 results due to adequate preparation. 

2. To provide support and understanding for parents whose children are awaiting their Grade 12 results. 

3. To report zero instances of youth taking their own lives due to not passing Grade 12. 

4. To ensure students receive financial assistance for further studies. 

5. To facilitate proper career guidance for students and prevent any reports of scams targeting them.

Stakeholders and Their Role
Non-profit organizations (NPOs) 
can partner and support the campaign by utilizing their social media presence to help increase its visibility. They can also encourage their members to join as Ambassadors of the campaign. NPOs can also partner with Make a Mark Africa Youth Development in different youth development initiatives that the organization is running. 
Media outlets
can aid in reaching a larger audience for the campaign. It is in the interest of the media to educate and inform the public about social ills and help the public deal with them through bringing different experts to talk to their audience. 
Private companies
can partner with Make a Mark Africa Youth Development and provide financial support for the campaign to ensure its successful execution. In return, this can provide a good image to the public as they will be seen supporting issues that affect their customers. Private companies can also provide bursaries to deserving students who have upgraded their results and are ready to go to tertiary.
Tertiary institutions
- can assist in helping first year students coming to tertiary for the first time on how to navigate the transition from high school to tertiary. Due to a lot of scams and bogus institutions, it is important to have the institutions sharing the correct information to their public. This will in return help them meet their recruitment target.

the endorsement of the campaign by the Department of Basic Education and provision of information on how learners can improve their results, in case they fail, is crucial as they are the custodians of basic education. Different governments departments can also play a huge role in supporting the campaign financially and with facilities to run the campaign across the country. Government can also provide bursaries to deserving students who have upgraded their results and are ready to go to tertiary.
Individuals, who are passionate about education and youth development, can play a key role in being the go-to people when young people need information and psych-support. These are individuals who should be able to avail themselves and dedicate some time in championing the message of hope to young people who might be confused. Their role is to avail themselves to answer questions on social media, through calls, create events to share information and provide guidance to young people. Ambassadors are the key to this campaign because they are able to reach individuals who might not be able to get attention to relevant people and through the connection made available through the Ambassador, they will be able to get help.
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Make a Mark Africa Youth Development
NPO No. 247-235